Anyway where to begin? Where better than a Picture of Phillippe, who seems to be forever young at heart, so now he plays with the sprinkler...
Now for the best news out of the Generation Four, apart from Tom and Jerry of course, but Daphne Character has now completed her goals as heir! She has married, had kids and completed her Life Time Want of becoming a Five Star Chef!
And with all the drama happening I almost forgot it was someone's time to par-tay! :)
I went for the rockstar look, even if he didn't get the LTW of Rockstar, with traits like Flirty, Virtuoso, Ambitious (5th Trait), Friendly and good, nothing like Genius he rolls Symphonic Branch LTW over Rockstar! So I chose the money related one and sold the precious stones... Well one of them and a few soul peace's. :)
The next day after search for spouses for Tom I clicked on Phillippes Icon and found him here...
Too scan the house I also found these sims all screaming at a non existent fire, they just hadn't been told to get out by the dozing fire-fighter, I think Scrappy here is putting on a Good Show, I doubt he will like his Brother-In-Law for this. :P
And is it me or do Female Sims hate being rescued by Phillippe? They scream and scream when he arrives! Even children! :O
-Still Screaming below- >_<
I couldn't get close because of the pillars for this photo but here is Fred Jr and Scooby I am guessing doing a dance (Maybe the Beyonce 'If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it' one as they are waving their hand) XD
Now all this Drama seriously ages people, like Phillippe who grew up to Daphne crushing flowers, and a Gnome short circuiting in the sprinkler (You'll see! :P)
Irrelevant to above but oh well :P
Now back on topic...
They say most people should grow old Gracefully, so what happened here...
I gave him a make-over and decided to give him back his blondness. :)
Now here is where it get's interesting! I introduce you to Rivers, Amy Rivers,
And guess what?
Somebodies in Lurvvvveeee! <3>

Don't Fret we are now Half Way! XD (COFFEE BREAK!)
A Start of a new half chapter and maybe you have a coffee? Because someone does...
So I began to wonder if there was something Marta should be doing, So I zoomed out and saw this... One of her chores.
So that was soon dealt with, meanwhile outside someone was having a good time! :)
The Shock must have made her leave, either that or Tom didn't have that Minty Breath Moodlet :P
We also have a new maid, so this is her first time seeing Charlie...
Tom was still practising Guitar even if he didn't need to, but it gets his fun up so I leave him to it.
Here is one of the last Teenagery looks you may see of Jerry! (Hint Hint)
Daphne now traded in her Brave Trait for Green Thumb and threw herself into her Cheese Plants. :)
First day of Work for Tom, leaving the Richest part of Sunset Valley in this thing...
I think this Gnome is going steady with the Sprinkler! XP
So now my attention returns to Jerry, playing video games, he has done his homework so he was sent to write a childrens book 'How to annoy parents - The How to Guide'
This is the building where Tom got his first promotion!
Oh and with Daphnes LTHP I got one of these Watchamacaulits! :)
And down in the Basement there is a door, which leads to a Corridor, which ends in a room...
Hidden from view of the Heirs to avoid complicated Children... O_o
I havn't seen Mikey or Agnes in ages but Fred came back! :)
Daphne investigating what happens to Lobster.
Like I said way before, 'Young at Heart'
And someone tell me - What is so hard about a Cheese Plate! :O
Awww Young Love! \/
She said Yes! :D
And of course the warm welcome all New Comers get...
Now nearing the End! But one last par-tay! :D
-Shudders- I hope she won't age up in Elder Undies! D:
(Phillippe saw the sparkles here!)
Now Daphne is an Elder it is time for a new Person to take the Reigns, and that person is a Man called Jerry!
Cake does things to people and Simbots alike! :D
And now for the Make-Over! Oh Wait I never knew he was CLUMSY! Oh wait he isn't so why did he do this?
Generation Five Heir
Jerry Character
So that is it all Guys! This is the longest update ever so I am glad you made it here! I almost didn't! :D But before you go you may be interested on some family Updates of Traits and Sims!
Jerry Character - Added Bookworm and Illustrious Author
Tom Character - Gained Ambitious and A Money Related LTW which was completed.
Amy Rivers (Engaged Tom) (Money LTW Completed)
Hopeless Romantic
Shaggy Brannon (Married Martha Brannon)
Child: Monte Brannon
Easily Impressed
That is now all, for now! Any comments post here or at Carl and Pam's SIms 3 Forum (Characetr Legacy Thread)
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