Well I am sorry for being so bad at updates but I had school shopping and packing... Anyway let us begin with a latest chapter! :D

Penelope and Rabbit were just acquaintances which rather annoyed me, seeing as twins are supposed to get on like two peas in a pod... or a womb... So I have been trying to get them to know each other better, it isn't going well...

Star is about ready to burst with this little babe in her belly, she has had a usual Character pregnancy of being pampered, but who wouldn't get pampered? :D But that doesn't mean she is slacking! Oh no! She has been skilling a lot, last time I checked I think she was at Level 7 logic, that is good enough to get a job in Law Enforcement straight after the birth. :)

Jerry has been in a 'going around doing absolutely nothing in particular due to my bad leadership and forgetful ways.' state of mind, he paints, he sculpts and sometimes when I make him he writes.

Even with the getting older and watching the family grow Daphne and Phillippe have time for each other, it is not often I get sims who actually seem to like each other on their own freewill!

We Interrupt this Broadcast to deliver news on Gnomes!

Like the statue? It is Jerry's second statue ever and it is of a guy holding a torch...

Jerry hardly left Star's side this time around, he was there all the time, apart from when she went to the loo of course...

I feel sorry for Phillippe, ever since he completed his LTW he has been ignored, so I let him go and eat some outstanding roasted cheese. :D
These two 'angels' sleep at a funny schedule, they wake up at 1am they go to sleep at 4pm the cycle continues and I can not seem to break it! >:O So if you want to know why there is a light on there isn't it is the sunlight! :D

DUN, Dun, Dun, DUN! *screams*

Who ever thought that window in the bath tub was stylish? It seems a bit O_o to me...

After the 'O_o' bath Daphne went to go cook a family meal of French Toast, there have got to be over 10 leftover choices in that fridge of theirs and yet the rest of the family still cook their own!

Oh yes this was a clever idea - 'I am pregnant, I know I will go lift weights!' So how come they can't run on a treadmill but they can work out on a weight machine! :O

*Worships bowl of Godlyness* Rofl, yes I laugh at my own jokes but don't judge! :P

Well here is the school bus badaman crew! XD

Here is Jerry, writing, a very boring career if you ask me...

And now I am about to show you a secret room in the Character home, The Bear Room!!!!!!!
I keep all the bears I have made and used in the family or will in this room!

Now this time a bad thing happened, Star was on her way to have a bubble bath but someone just had to ruin the plan... :P

As interested as always... -_-

I decided on a hospital birth this time.

Welcome to Dasterdly Character! At the moment I do not remember his traits as I have lost my stupid note pad, so please bear with me!

Sorry to ruin this moment but this worries me! Is a tree supposed to be show up in the basement?

Back on topic: Who likes this wittle nursery I made Dasterdly? I am rather pleased with my self! :)

Father - Son bonding? Noope, the caption is 'What the hell is this?' going by the stare...

Here is Star removing the green cloud from herself in that darn 'O_o' bath.

I leave you with pictures of Star and Dasterdly bonding! :)
The Next update will be of the Re-Furbished Character Home! :D
Thank you for reading! :)
Great update! I think I speak on behalf of all the lurkers here- we want more, we want more! Lol...Drunk gnomes XD