Lana and Fred are both 92 days old, Philippe is halway through level 9 of sim fu and level 8 in athletic! Daphne is level 7 in Gardening! Tom has also learned all his valuable skills! That's all for now!
Well here he is! Not much just a blue mini-mummy!

Now Daphne can go back to work! Daphne once given birth is automaticaly friends with her two kids, by the time they are toddlers she is best-friends with them, after fighting over them with Lana and Fred! Philippe is doing okay teaching all the skills to Tom as it raises their relationship and gives him something to do!
Here is my Plan for the two! - I may keep them in the houshold until I complete both LTW because there are only two of them!
Tom - Illustrious Author
Jerry - Cross-Breeder (Science Lvl 10)
UPDATE: Philippe completed his LTW on his Birthday! He may go into Military if I can get him to read his handiness books without needing the toilet or starving! Daphne is almsot a Lvl 10 Gardener! She has planted five special seeds which I suspect of being guilty of money trees! Jerry is going to age up into a toddler on the same day Tom ages up into a kid so it's an even balance! Daphne is not allowed to go back to work for three more days and that day is then followed by a day off, so better get that promotion quick! Fred and Lana have lived a long time now - 74 days old! The family has no money worries as they have four large spire cut tiberiums waiting as back up, the partnerships bring in a nice 35,000ish every week! The family is doing well!
I have been reading a few more legacies on the main site, well two... The Colourtastic Legacy is good and also I have been reading the Brady Legacy but as of yet have not read the first chapters!
Now Daphne can go back to work! Daphne once given birth is automaticaly friends with her two kids, by the time they are toddlers she is best-friends with them, after fighting over them with Lana and Fred! Philippe is doing okay teaching all the skills to Tom as it raises their relationship and gives him something to do!
Here is my Plan for the two! - I may keep them in the houshold until I complete both LTW because there are only two of them!
Tom - Illustrious Author
Jerry - Cross-Breeder (Science Lvl 10)
UPDATE: Philippe completed his LTW on his Birthday! He may go into Military if I can get him to read his handiness books without needing the toilet or starving! Daphne is almsot a Lvl 10 Gardener! She has planted five special seeds which I suspect of being guilty of money trees! Jerry is going to age up into a toddler on the same day Tom ages up into a kid so it's an even balance! Daphne is not allowed to go back to work for three more days and that day is then followed by a day off, so better get that promotion quick! Fred and Lana have lived a long time now - 74 days old! The family has no money worries as they have four large spire cut tiberiums waiting as back up, the partnerships bring in a nice 35,000ish every week! The family is doing well!
I have been reading a few more legacies on the main site, well two... The Colourtastic Legacy is good and also I have been reading the Brady Legacy but as of yet have not read the first chapters!
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