Ok So... After Being Rejected, and all that jazz, Fred went into I only break space rocks and Work mood. I just got a Tiberium thanks to him, I found if you put the board breaking thing in the Garden then more Gems are found, don't ask why It just did for me, I also got a Pink Gem! Two Soulpieces and lots of Rainbow and Luminous Gems! Daisy has a son called – Edgardo? He is Easily Impressed, Clumsy and Hates Art, I expected better from Daisy! But anyway after that Barney is doing okay in his job, Dafy and Wu are now retired. But here is the best part Fred met a woman and he popped the Question and she accepted! WOOO! (overreacting) He married the maid, which was good cause she ended up being a Klepto... Her name Lana her traits are Hopeless Romantic, Neat, Charismatic, Kleptomaniac and something else which I can't remember her LTW is Super Popular but I am going to make her be a Stay at Home mum cause Its going be a big Family this time, aiming for the Surrounded by Family LTW she is just on 9500 LTHP so won't be long! Some Pics of Dafy and Wu as elders and more importantly the newest member! Fred an Lana have already done the deed and I heard some chimes!
Here she is!
ummm, does it need a title?
Awww some Elder Photos now...
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